App Studio Build Requests Pane

The Build Requests Docking Pane displays a list of requests made by you to the Digitise Apps Build System and the current status of each one. The Build Requests Pane is one of the App Studio main window docking panes.


The Digitise Apps Build System is a remote service provided by NDL used to build Standalone Apps and pre-configured Digitise Apps Clients for the Android, iOS and Windows Universal Platforms.


When you submit a request to the Build System, a record of the request will be displayed in the Build Requests Pane. The entry includes a unique number identifying your request, the date and time the request was submitted, the Target Platform the request relates to and the status of the request. The FLAVOUR column specifies whether the request is for an enterprise app (Enterprise) or store app (Enterprise for Store). If you submit a request for a Standalone App, the APPLICATION column displays the name of the App Studio Project and the APPLICATION VERSION column displays the app's version number. If you request a pre-configured Digitise Apps Client, the APPLICATION column shows 'DigitiseApps' and the APPLICATION VERSION will be the version number of the Digitise Apps Client included in the build.


The Status column will change from Pending to Processing to Completed.

When you request a build, the Status will initially display Pending while your build request is sent to the Build System and queued. When your request reaches the head of the queue and the build actually starts, the Status will change to Processing and the Build System will notify you by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address specified when you registered to use the Build System. Once the build has finished, another e-mail will be sent to you and the Status in the Build Requests Pane will change to Completed.


When the Status displays Completed you can download an install package for the build by right-clicking on the entry and choosing Download.


The install file(s) and your uploaded source files remain stored on the Build System, even after you download the install package. As long as the entry remains displayed in the Pane's list of requests, you can download the package again at a later time should you need to. To delete the files from the Build System and remove the item from the listing in the Build Requests Pane, right-click on the build request and choose Delete.


If there is a problem with a requested build and the Build System is unable to successfully produce the requested app or Client, you will be notified by e-mail and the Status will be set to Failed. Check your package and build configuration settings from the Builds group on the Ribbon's Publish tab and your Build System Credentials in the App Studio Settings' Build System tab. If all looks well, contact our Helpdesk for assisitance. You will need to supply them with the unique ID number for the failed build as displayed in the Build Requests Pane.


The Build Requests Pane includes an Auto-Refresh option in the top right-hand corner of the Pane. If selected, the Pane will automatically refresh the list every 5 seconds. If deselected, you will need to manually refresh the list, which you can do at any time using the refresh button in the top left-hand corner of the Pane, Picture showing the Build Requests Pane Refresh button.. By default, the option is not selected. If Auto-Refresh is not selected, when you load App Studio the Pane will initially be empty. To display the list of build requests you will need to manually refresh the Pane or the list will automatically refresh if you request a new build.

  • When you do not have any builds queued, we recommend that you deselect the Auto-Refresh option to prevent unnecessary requests being sent to the Build System.


You can change the order of rows in the list by clicking on the column headings to sort the rows in ascending or descending order based on the contents of the column clicked. Clicking once on a column heading will arrange the rows in ascending order, click a second time to arrange in descending order. Thereafter, clicking on the column heading will toggle between ascending and descending order. Click on a different column heading to change the sort criteria used to display the rows. By default, the list is arranged in descending order of Job IDs, so that the latest request should be at the top of the list.

You can also display the details about a build by selecting the build in the list and then right-clicking on it and choosing Details from the menu displayed.