Data Source Parameters
Many of the Data Access Methods require you to specify one or more Data Sources or Custom Views as parameters to the Method.
Unless stated otherwise in the Method definition, when a Method requires such a parameter, you specify it as follows:
ADO Database Data Sources <datasourcename>.<tablename>
Web API Data Sources <datasourcename>.<tablename>
Web Services Data Sources <datasourcename>
Custom Tables Custom.<tablename>
Custom View Custom.<viewname>
Outlook Contacts and Appointments
(Predefined Data Sources) <datasourcename>.<tablename>
e.g. Outlook.Contact, Outlook.Appointments
<datasourcename> is the Name of a Data Source as defined within App Studio
<tablename> is the name of the Table within the Data Source
In all Methods which take a Data Source parameter, you can specify the parameter as a string value or specify a variable, either of which must contain the Data Source name in the appropriate format from the list above.